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458784 281 老马 发表于 2013-10-5 11:07:27 |
老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-12-10 10:12:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州

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老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-12-10 10:27:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
可能影响肾功能的保健品.pdf (80.88 KB, 下载次数: 420)

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老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-12-10 10:32:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
8 r! V7 ^* ~9 e5 F/ k8 r  Lhttp://www.livestrong.com/articl ... ents-kidney-health/
8 X+ L1 D! k$ w' E1 b  t$ B2 QVitamin C, B, [  a! k$ l! K7 I/ u) s" `
Vitamin C supports the kidneys and helps keep them clear of kidney stones, especially urate stones which form as a result of uric acid crystal deposits, says DoctorYourself.com. It recommends consuming oranges, grapes and carrots as well as their juices, all high in vitamin C. Buffered vitamin C ascorbate supplements, available in health food stores, are also helpful in maintaining kidney health.) X4 x% L- C( U9 a+ _9 [; ~

! S$ ~+ _+ B  vVitamin B
3 c0 @4 C% l8 q6 J4 i1 R, IAdding a vitamin B complex supplement to your diet, one that especially has B6, is important to prevent kidney stones, points out the Doctor Yourself website. B6 deficiency has been shown to contribute to the development of kidney stones.  p, S+ t; b# \

# ^6 M4 m/ E* XLemon Juice* i8 p$ p" b; j9 p% j7 q
High in potassium, lemon juice may be added to the diet to prevent the formation of uric acid crystals, which contribute to the formation of uric acid, the precursor for gout and urate kidney stones, according to Health911.com. The potassium in lemon juice helps create calcium carbonate, a chemical that alkalizes the body causing the system to neutralize acids. Potassium is a mineral and one of the electrolytes needed to help the kidneys balance blood pressure, heart function and electrical impulses in the body according to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC).
0 Y1 O; n1 U! Y( aApple Cider Vinegar% L$ ]. k; W8 q
Organic apple cider vinegar is recommended by Dr. Theodore A. Baroody in his book, "Alkalize or Die," as a method to help keep the body in a slightly alkaline state. Baroody explains, although an acid, it has the ability to create an alkaline-forming state in the system by neutralizing acids in the digestive process. He goes on to explain that the body is able to maintain good health when it is slightly alkaline. This applies to the kidneys because when the urine is alkaline, they are protected from damage formed by uric acid.4 X) p  d0 d7 `0 y8 ?
7 S0 e0 `/ ^  A% N% F! RL-carnitine also referred to as Carnitine is an amino acid and a nutrient that helps the body and convert fat, especially in the liver and kidneys to energy. Sometime the body needs supplementation with L-carnitine according to the UMMC, because it is produced by the kidneys. If there is kidney malfunction, L-carnitine supplies may be greatly diminished. Speak to your doctor before starting this supplement.$ R6 V* t! y7 t* L: W2 z9 R1 N
9 f0 y  f' n+ }

/ W1 S1 |" |4 N6 Z) W  U

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老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-12-10 10:39:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
L-Carnitine and Kidney Failure- u$ A0 _2 O+ M6 h! r
+ Y$ K5 p* I3 u, k( i) D+ |( n2013-05-05 11:03
- \4 {4 [# V1 I/ X; b) I7 l  ^L-carnitine plays an important role that can help our body turn fat into energy. It is also commonly known as carnitine and is usually produced in the liver and kidneys. In some cases of kidney failure, l-carnitine will be prescribed to help them recovery. It is helpful, but it also can cause many side effects if used improperly. Therefore, it is necessary for kidney failure patients to learn more about l-carnitine.% s, R8 B6 c6 `( Q1 L3 h
+ U3 b# D& D9 J" }8 _
How is L-carnitine associated with kidney failure?
& }) x' m% s& G, C/ J2 E  Z7 o7 D8 l; G
L-carnitine is a quaternary ammonium compound biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. Kidneys make carnitine and in cases of kidney failure, kidneys have been damaged seriously and in such a case, no enough L-carnitine will be produced. Low levels of carnitine in the body will cause lots of symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, chest pain and heart arrhythmia. Therefore. It is necessary for kidney failure patients to replenish necessary L-carnitine.
- u; U2 k$ m5 i  k3 R, [6 I& G2 b/ _% q$ c5 g, j# i/ G4 d0 J
Foods to eat for kidney failure patients with low L-carnitine in body
8 Q2 y' l* j$ e- Z( A8 d- u0 l$ T* n' `
In our daily life, we can get L-carnitine from foods like avocados, dairy products, red meat, fruits, vegetables and fermented soybean products like tempeh. However, for kidney failure patients, they need to pay extra attention to the foods they eat, as they can not eat as freely as before due to the low kidney function. With different illness condition, kidney failure patients need to make different dietary changes. Therefore, it is necessary for kidney failure patients to consult their doctors for the food lists that contain L-carnitine and meanwhile cause no harms on their illness condition.
) c% f6 m% Z. f1 F
# D8 }) i0 e- M' |9 zPossible side effects of L-carnitine/ J  ~% Y1 q, l  }% L  {- N& J

; r! T- O1 C7 T1 k( D5 X5 Q7 VImproper usage of L-carnitine will cause many side effects. The followings are the common side effects of L-carnitine. For kidney failure patients who are taking L-carnitine, if they found they have some of the following side effects, they can think if they occurs because of L-carnitine.
9 M1 F+ \" t# ~8 D; K' [/ E  [) g# g# G7 s" L" w  V: N5 y! U
1. Difficulty in falling asleep
' n. j) u9 a8 V: q' h3 V4 X- I# T, X  R/ M
2. Diarrhea: D) I+ v' i' t6 M, C6 o
' g+ a4 v- u' {) u5 W0 @
3. Noticeable increase of appetite  S" l5 E: R% U& F2 b9 D, i/ m

. ?! c) K; C8 \: p4. Vomiting, nausea and dizziness
( w0 u% T! n9 K% J) F0 L3 S. q' ~( |0 t' S) d- x. @8 ^; e: k
5. Skin rash
% |; e% k& G1 F% i
; p, X9 E+ j: K# N# ]1 z6. Agitation' k, T# [; U. N& [) N; a. F+ Y

, s, x3 d8 p7 M0 B5 E7 L5 B  @( K3 rL-carnitine may interact with other medications for kidney failure, therefore, please take L-carnitine under the direction of doctors.

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老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-12-10 18:50:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
本帖最后由 老马 于 2013-12-10 18:52 编辑 0 L$ e, y; m: y- U
/ R% ~4 a' d. \  I1 C& K
0 Z" ?! Q0 Y2 Rhttp://www.livestrong.com/articl ... te-bad-for-kidneys/
% Q) t' @: ]# h& E& P3 wIf you have advanced kidney disease, your nephrologist or renal dietitian might tell you to stay away from chocolate. This recommendation isn't made arbitrarily, and it doesn't mean that chocolate is bad for the kidneys. Such advice is regularly given to patients whose serum phosphorus levels are elevated. By limiting intake of high-phosphorus foods, symptoms of renal insufficiency can be minimized.$ Y8 @" d* I3 o4 d' Z
Kidneys and Phosphorus: F9 ^8 Y: d5 ~/ N* d1 x* A' z. `
Healthy kidneys clean more than 200 gallons of blood a day. Waste products such as creatinine and urea are removed. Excess potassium and phosphorus are excreted into the urine.
9 H8 `" f* v; b- g# R/ \" J6 [5 _8 \
When kidneys becomes scarred because of chronic disease, they are less able to perform these functions. Phosphorus levels begin to creep up. If your serum phosphorus levels exceed 5.5 mg/dL, your nephrologist may recommend that you stay away from chocolate and other high-phosphorus foods. He will let you know how much phosphorus is safe for you to consume.
2 m6 D8 t  d. I  }& b4 f: p
% C& |% l; d5 G4 xPhosphorus and Chocolate9 q- f: S1 h( S" @' t5 d& S7 T
Determining the phosphorus content of food is difficult because companies are not legally bound to provide this information. Most patients turn to a phosphorus counter such as the one provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or USDA.
$ T8 d' _4 u; H2 s% b- ]4 \% i8 A3 g7 @+ V
A 100 g serving of chocolate weighs approximately 3.5 oz. This amount of dark chocolate with 70 to 85 percent cacao solids has 308 mg phosphorus. The same amount of white chocolate has 176 mg -- which is still prohibitively high. Chocolate mixed with milk is also particularly dangerous because milk is also high in phosphorus.  T9 n8 |) R" @
  ~9 L2 p, N& b8 h& y1 x. xEating high-phosphorus foods such as chocolate can have serious, long-term consequences if you have kidney disease. High levels of phosphorus begin to pull calcium from the bones. In addition to permanently weakening the bones and making you more vulnerable to fractures, the calcium can deposit in blood vessels, muscles and other areas.+ J3 \, K6 c# y
Warning3 @: i  V2 _$ |; o
There is no need to avoid chocolate if you have healthy kidneys or if your nephrologist says your phosphorus levels are normal. Eating a low-phosphorus diet will not slow down the progression of kidney disease. There is no preventive value in limiting phosphorus if you don't need to.# f: z4 x: H$ }, W
; T8 z1 P, Y  Y9 F' P, t6 D

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老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-12-10 19:32:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
Kidney-Friendly Candy for Dialysis Patients4 u# l  i( p% o5 l3 ]' Z" r9 y& m
http://www.davita.com/kidney-dis ... sis-patients/e/5341

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老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-12-10 19:38:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
http://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/increasecalories.cfm; J4 h& R8 z% l
What foods am I allowed to eat to help me gain weight?
# z3 X  l5 m% l# F/ O. SIt is important to eat the amount of food that your dietitian has recommended. If you are still losing weight, you should try to add extra calories from simple carbohydrates like sugar, jelly, jam, hard candy, honey and syrup. Other good sources of calories come from vegetable fats, such as margarine, vegetable oil and non-dairy creamer. These foods can be used as free foods to give you extra calories each day.

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老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-12-10 21:44:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
肿瘤病人营养指南.pdf (485.15 KB, 下载次数: 797)

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无助的三子  小学一年级 发表于 2013-12-24 11:53:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东
感谢    希望爸爸好好过完

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平常认真  初中一年级 发表于 2013-12-24 19:16:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东佛山

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